How To: Change your roller skate wheels

Change your roller skate  wheels

This video teaches you how to change the wheels on your roller skates. You will need the replacement set of wheels with the bearings already in them and a skate tool. Remove the wheel by using the skate tool. Remember, righty tighty - lefty loosey. Take off the wheel and pop the new one back on. The key is to put the flat end of the nut on first. Hand tighten the nut and then use the skate tool to tighten it the rest of the way. Tighten it until it stops and then check your wheel. If the wheel is not moving, slowly loosen it an eighth of a turn at a time. The wheel should turn smoothly and come to a slow stop. Repeat this with all the wheels then you are ready to go.

Change your roller skate wheels

Change your roller skate  wheels Click through to watch this video on

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